Categories: Economy

Retail sales plummet in November despite Black Friday

Neither Black Friday nor the Christmas campaign managed to encourage commerce last November, at the height of the second wave of the pandemic. Retail sales fell 5.8% in the aforementioned month compared to the same month in 2019.

It, even though Spain was in the middle of the Black Friday campaign. Compared with the previous month, with October, the drop was 0.8%, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), published this Monday.

Retail sales fell 15% in March and 20% in April. As of May, they experienced a strong rise that has been attenuating until September, when they fell back. In October they rose slightly to fall again now.

In this case, Madrid is the only community in which sales did not fall in November, if we compare it with the previous year. It must be borne in mind that in the aforementioned month some communities had already imposed trade restrictions to control the infections of this second wave.

The greatest collapse in this sense is experienced, in addition to Ceuta and Melilla, the Canary Islands, Andalusia, Catalonia and Asturias.

By type of distribution, it can be seen that the consumer is betting on small formats or more proximity, since the billing of large chains fell 2.6% compared to October and that of large stores, 2%, while sales of small chains increased 1.6% with respect to the previous month and those of independent companies, 0.2%.

By type of products, food sales rose 0.2% and those of no food fell by 1.8%. If the latter is broken down by type of product, personal equipment is the one that decreased the most in November (-12.6%).

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