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Healthy development: 5 tips for our children to eat everything

Accustoming our children to having good eating habits from an early age will result in them learning to eat healthy. With them we will make sure they have a feeding balanced and healthy life.

Gianina Berdejo, General Practitioner of Sanitas assures that it is “It is important to generate healthy eating habits with our children since they are very young, since food is vital for their development. In addition to their growth, food also helps our children have a correct cognitive development and a robust immune system to protect themselves from many diseases“Said the specialist, who gives us five tips to get our children to eat everything:

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  1. That your children play with food is vital so that they become familiar with it. According to a study by the University of Maastricht, in the Netherlands, that a food is sticky, crunchy, fluffy or lumpy can be decisive for the relationship that our child has with said food. For this reason, it is advisable to let the little ones play with their food using their hands; in this way, they will be able to ingest it with greater interest or pleasure.
  2. Sitting down to eat with them will allow them to associate the activity of eating with something enjoyable. Being able to eat in a family environment, accompanied and sharing a good time will make them grow knowing that eating is an activity to which time and attention must be devoted.
  3. Lead by example, as children learn through imitation. If they see us rejecting foods that we want them to consume, it is very likely that they will learn this attitude and end up rejecting them as well.
  4. Avoid distractions like eating with your cell phone in hand, watching television or using some other device while we eat.
  5. Do not give them rewards or punishments, for they should relate food as a pleasant moment of the day, not as an obligation or a nuisance.

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