Categories: Politics

Serial failures in the parent committee created by the government

We already knew that parenting is a journey full of obstacles, no matter the age of your child. But working on this sensitive topic doesn’t seem to be easy either. Since its creation in early December by Aurore Berger, then minister of family affairs, the commission “to solve the problems of parenthood,” chaired by child psychiatrist Serge Hefez and Hélène Roques, author and director of Notre Avenir à Tous, has experienced periods of turbulence.

Originally composed of twenty-five experts (philosophers, scientists, child psychiatrists, psychologists), this body lost at least five members and a minister (Aurora Berger left her post in a reshuffle on 10 January to become minister delegate in a charge of equality between women and men). So much so that participants, speaking on condition of anonymity, are now wondering about its future. “Will it be recycled? Stable? We have no news at the moment,” admits one, as another ridicules the government’s desired “parent police.”

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Source: Le Parisien