kitchen room

Pachamanca recipe: tips to prepare it at home without losing tradition

Pachamanca recipe: tips to prepare it at home without losing tradition

Lima, September 28, 2021Updated on 09/28/2021 01:04 pmWe do not have to leave home to enjoy a Peruvian delicacy like…

Lomo saltado recipe: are you preparing it for the first time? These are the tips and infallible steps

Lima, September 28, 2021Updated on 09/28/2021 03:21 pmThe lomo saltado It is one of the flag dishes of our country.…

Tuna chili pepper recipe: a tasty, inexpensive and easy to prepare recipe

Lima, September 28, 2021Updated on 09/28/2021 01:07 pmThe day you feel that your budget is very tight, this delicious tuna…

Banana cheesecake recipe: the secret to making this dessert in a healthy version

Banana cheesecake can be the perfect dessert to sweeten winter afternoons with a hot sugar-free drink. The best of following…