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Don’t know what to do with your leftover bread? Write down this simple homemade pudding recipe

Don’t know what to do with your leftover bread? Write down this simple homemade pudding recipe

The pudding It is one of the simplest homemade desserts to prepare and that is not lacking in the houses of Peruvians. With or without raisins, the pudding will sweeten your afternoons and allow you to reuse the bread that you did not eat during the week, you just have to read and follow this prescription of Yo Madre’s Recipes.

Here the instructions:


for the caramel

  • A cup of white or brown sugar

for the pudding

  • 10 hard breads
  • A liter of fresh milk
  • a cup of raisins
  • 5 eggs
  • A cup of brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla essence


Prepare the caramel with the cup of brown or white sugar. Put it in a pot over very low heat and let it start to melt on its own, without touching it, for about 3 minutes. After that time, do not stop moving and controlling until the sugar melts completely. Thus, hot, add it to the mold that you will use to caramelize it. Let it cool. Soak the bread in the previously warm milk. You have to undo the bread with a fork or with your very clean hands. Booking. In a container, place the eggs, the vanilla essence and the brown sugar. Just mix lightly until you break the ligament of the whites. At that time add the raisins. Add this mixture to the soaked and crushed bread; then, pour it into the caramel mold. Take the mold to the preheated oven in a bain-marie for about an hour.

NOTE: If you want the pudding to have a special flavor I recommend ‘drunk’ the raisins. What does it mean? That you soak the raisins in some liquor that you have at home, a white wine, a port or a pisco. You just cover them with liquor and let them macerate for half an hour before pouring it into the preparation. Another tip: put the pudding in a bain-marie, but make sure the water is hot and reaches at least halfway into the mold.

Source: Elcomercio