How to create your own ‘dino profession’ using artificial intelligence

Recently the social networks have not stopped being flooded with a new trend where dinosaurs are the protagonists, because through images made with artificial intelligenceit is possible that this species represents any profession, trade and even stereotype, and today we tell you how to make yours in just a few simple steps.

Beginning with dinoprofessions such as the veterisaur, countersaurus, prosaurus or lawyersaurus; trades such as the saurius worker, manicurisauria and carpenterosaurus; and even stereotypes such as the godinosaruio or borrachosaurio, many are the memes currently circulating in social networks about these animals, which have been created thanks to the artificial intelligence through a server which we are going to explain how to use next.

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How to create your own dinosaur meme with artificial intelligence

Many have been tiktokers, YouTube accounts and web pages specialized in technology who have revealed the simple way to create your own dinoprofessional through a server who works with artificial intelligence, and best of all that it is completely gratuitous.

His name is midjourneythe artificial intelligence that makes available to any user the possibility of creating their own dinosaur completely free and in a very simple way. You only have to have any type of browser to enter its official site and an account discord to register.

Just by typing “” in the browser and accessing the first site that shows, the user will already be inside the server. To log in, within the two options that will appear, you must choose the one that says “Join the Beta” to be able to register with an account discord.

(Photo: screenshot)

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It should be noted that those people who do not have an account in discord can create one in a very simple way, because the same server of midjourney directs you to make your profile, you only have to register an email, a name for your new user, share your date of birth and choose a password.

Midjourney: the AI ​​that helps you create your dino profession completely free

Once you have entered your account Discord, and that it is verified, you only have to return to the site of midjourneyaccept the invitation and you will be inside the platform to start creating your own dinosaur through artificial intelligence.

To do this, search in the same server the word “newsbies” which will yield results referring to the memes of dinosaurs. After that, to create yours, at the bottom of the servera bar will be available with the indication “send message” in which you must write: /imagine prompt.

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Once this is done, the only thing that users have to do is describe in a very detailed way what they want the artificial intelligence I drew them, from the species of the animal, its appearance and color, to, of course, the profession, profession, etc. It should be noted that the bot is in English, so the description will have to be in this language.

(Photo: screenshot)

Once the comment is sent, it is only a matter of waiting for the artificial intelligence throw the various options on what we asked for, such as the following example where it was written: “baby dino, computer, glasses , microphone”, and these were the results.

GDA / Karina Ocasti / El Universal / Mexico

Source: Elcomercio