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DolarToday Venezuela today, Saturday February 5: know the purchase and sale price

Lima, February 5, 2022Updated on 02/05/2022 08:22 am

The dollar price in Venezuela, according to DolarToday, it operated in the midst of the authorization of the Parliament of the collection of tax on foreign currency transactions in the country.

That of the informal market in Venezuela, according to data from the DolarToday portal.

The National Assembly of Venezuela, with an official majority, authorized the government of President Nicolás Maduro to collect a tax on foreign currency transactions within the South American country, amid de facto dollarization.

Individuals and companies will be taxed for foreign exchange operations in banks and shops. The tax has a range of rates between 2% and 20%, according to the legal reform approved by the deputies.

While the government determines the rate to be applied this year, the law would temporarily allow a 3% rate to be charged for each operation in foreign currency.

The rich and the big merchants pocket the dollars and do not give the Venezuelan State a penny of those dollars with which they make the transactions, it is the truth”, said the president of the Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez, shortly before announcing the approval of the norm in a session broadcast on state television. “The bolivar is strengthened with this law”.

With information from Reuters

Source: Elcomercio

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