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Emmanuel Macron and the Spanish Prime Minister in search of “effective solutions”

Emmanuel Macron spoke on Monday with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. The objective of this interview being to “converge effective solutions in order to limit the increase in gas prices, to limit the impact on electricity prices, to have common storage solutions in Europe and to diversify our sources of supply”, declared the Head of State.

The priority is to “prepare the protection of households and businesses in the short term, and our ability to resist in the medium term”, by preserving “our energy security for next winter”, he added to the press. . This urgency figures prominently on the menu of the European summit on Thursday and Friday in Brussels, where NATO and G7 summits with US President Joe Biden will also be held.

Towards “common” gas purchases and storage

Pedro Sanchez met the Italian, Greek and Portuguese leaders on Friday in Rome to “define a common approach” in order to “push the European Commission and the other member countries to adopt important protective measures for all States”, according to the head of the Italian government Mario Draghi, referring to “common” purchases and storage of gas.

After the visit of the Spanish leader, Emmanuel Macron participates in a videoconference on Ukraine with Joe Biden, the Briton Boris Johnson, the German Olaf Scholz and Mario Draghi. He must then receive Sauli Niinisto, the president of Finland, a country on the front line against Russia.

Germany opposed an immediate embargo on Russian hydrocarbons, on which it depends heavily. The Kremlin estimated on Monday that a potential European embargo on Russian oil would hit “everyone”.

Source: 20minutes

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