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Impossible consensus between the ministers meeting in Geneva?

A world in crisis but concrete agreements still difficult to find. The 12th ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is being held in Geneva from June 12 to 15, 2022. A first for more than four years. Between tensions linked to the subjects of discussion – overfishing, sharing of anti-covid vaccines or even the food crisis – and the background of the war in Ukraine, consensus remains a challenge for the organization.

Fishing and pandemics

Even if fishing remains the predominant subject of the summit, two texts are currently under discussion at the WTO. One must facilitate the circulation of the ingredients necessary for the fight against pandemics, the other must allow the temporary lifting of patents for anti-Covid vaccines. For Daniel Pruzin, spokesman for the organization: “The members are really starting to come closer to an agreement” on the first text, while the second “is more problematic”.

The WTO operates by consensus, it is enough for the opposition of a single member not to arrive at a concrete text. In fact, no major agreement has been concluded since 2013. In particular, India is blocking many subjects, as an ambassador based in Geneva deplores, interviewed by AFP: “There is not a single subject that India is not blocking,” also citing WTO reform and agriculture. There is therefore no guarantee of significant results from these talks, despite the vigorous efforts made by Ms. Okonjo-Iweala, the first woman and the first person from Africa to lead the organization.

Source: 20minutes

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