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SNCF strike: 20 or so TGVs canceled on Saturday due to vacations

There should be much fewer disruptions than for the previous social movement at the beginning of the month. However, rail traffic will be affected for several thousand users this Christmas weekend. This Saturday, about twenty TGVs will be dismantled from 650, SNCF said.

The impact will mainly affect TGV Atlantique (nearly 9 out of 10 trains, including 2 out of 3 on the Paris-South-West line). The rest of the high-speed lines will have “normal or near-normal service”. Train traffic will be “slightly disrupted on certain lines” on Saturday, the day of the big departures for the Christmas holidays, due to the SNCF Réseau Switchers social movement, SNCF said Thursday in Infotrafic.

The public company plans “normal or near-normal service” for TGV East, North and South and “nearly 9 out of 10 insured trains” for TGV Atlantique, including “two out of three trains between Paris and Bordeaux.” “.

Intercités traffic has been declared “almost normal”, but some Transilien and TER lines may be disrupted – at this stage it is not specified which ones.

SUD-Rail filed the notification from 8:00 pm Thursday 15 December to 8:00 am Monday 19 December. SNCF had already reported on Wednesday evening that train services would be “slightly disrupted” for departures during the Christmas holidays this weekend, with only “twenty TGVs” out of 700 planned being removed on Friday due to a signalmen’s strike on one side, and TGV Atlantique drivers, on the other.

“There will be some unrest and these unrest will be centered on the Atlantic axis,” Transport Minister Clement Bon said on Thursday. But “generally this weekend we will have trains for the bulk of the French and families,” he promised.

Source: Le Parisien

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