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DólarToday, today’s price, Tuesday December 20: how much is the exchange rate in Venezuela?

DólarToday, today’s price, Tuesday December 20: how much is the exchange rate in Venezuela?

DólarToday, today’s price, Tuesday December 20: how much is the exchange rate in Venezuela?

The dollar price in Venezuelaaccording to DollarToday, traded lower last Sunday amid renewed concerns that the Federal Reserve (Fed) would maintain its restrictive stance, following comments by a US central bank official.

In this note we will let you know how much the price of the dollar is in Venezuela today, Tuesday December 20, thanks to data from the DolarToday portal.

According to DolarToday, on Monday, December 19, the dollar in Venezuela closed at 17.15 digital bolivars.

It is the currency that governs the country after the third monetary reconversion that was applied from the Government. The new measure implied that for every million sovereign bolivars, one digital bolivar would be obtained or, what is the same, six zeros of the amounts previously drawn would be deleted.

Inflation in September in Venezuela was 11.5%, 5.8 percentage points less than in August, according to data released this Thursday by the Venezuelan Finance Observatory (OVF), an independent entity outside the country’s Central Bank.

With this figure, accumulated inflation in the first nine months of the year rose to 111.8% and year-on-year (September 2021-September 2022) stood at 157%.

On the other hand, the majority of Venezuelans over the age of 55 live in poverty, with problems accessing food, medicine or health services, among which some do not have family members or institutions that support them, according to a survey by the NGO Treat.

The study, applied in 19 of the 23 states of Venezuela, is based on the responses of 3,058 people who, between June and July, answered structured interviews, in person, in which they talked about their living conditions, the quality of public services and the most pressing needs of this age group.

The results show that almost 90% of those surveyed have a monthly income below US$100, while in the country US$470 is needed to cover the family food basket of five people.

Source: Elcomercio

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