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Retirement: Platform Providers Called for March 7 Strike

Another bid could be the March 7 mobilization against pension reform. “Faced with remarks out of touch with reality, CGT Transports is calling on the delivery people to organize to decide on their demands to make them a reality and to mobilize from March 7 by halting work and demonstration,” the press wrote. release of the union, the second among the deliverers.

Recalling Just Eat’s recent social plan, which aims to “replace the fleet of hired couriers with self-employed couriers from subcontractor Stuart”, CGT Transports is concerned about the spread of this status, which it often considers “a hired worker in disguise”. “.

“The amount of pension contributions not paid by delivery platforms can even amount to tens of millions of euros, which is a direct attack on solidarity,” the union said, accusing the French government of “contributing in any way to the violation of rights.”

“Stop France”

It is difficult to say whether this call will be heard in a sector where the May 2022 professional elections had very mixed success, with 120,000 workers called to speak out with only 1.83% worker participation and 3.91% for the VTK.

The “classic” trade unions also faded into the background: CGT (27.28%) took only 2nd place among couriers after the National Federation of Auto Entrepreneurs and Microentrepreneurs (FNAE, 28.45%).

In mid-February, eight major French unions said they were ready to “stop France in all sectors on March 7” if the government and parliament “remain deaf” to mobilize against pension reform.

The RATP unions have already called for a renewed movement from this date, as well as the CGT-Cheminots, the first SNCF union. The garbage collectors also called on their CGT federation to go on strike, which can be resumed from March 7th.

Source: Le Parisien

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