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Price of the dollar in Peru, today March 18: How much is the exchange rate and its price?

Price of the dollar in Peru, today March 18: How much is the exchange rate and its price?

Price of the dollar in Peru, today March 18: How much is the exchange rate and its price?

The price of the dollar in Peru closed this Friday, March 17, with a value of S/3.7930, according to the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP).

How much is the dollar in Peru?

The average price of the dollar for today, Saturday March 18, is S/. 3.7947 at the interbank level, with a minimum of S/ 3.7860 and a maximum of S/ 3.8020, according to BCR.

How much is the dollar in Peru today?

In addition, as indicated by the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS), the exchange rate for today, Saturday March 18, was averaged for purchases at S/. 3,792 and for sale at S/. 3,798.

On the other hand, on this day of March 18, the exchange houses and agencies presented the exchange rate for buying and selling in S/ 3,775 and S/ 3,80, respectively; according to the portal

According to Asvim Asencios, Foreign Exchange trader at Renta4 SAB, internationally the dollar fell due to expectations that the Federal Reserve (FED) will be less aggressive with monetary policy to curb inflation.

“After the actions of SVB on Friday (Silicon Valley Bank) they fell more than 81%, over the weekend they announced a series of measures to stabilize the banking system and stated that SVB depositors would have access to their deposits today”said Asencios.

What affected the price of the dollar in February?

The price of the dollar in the country maintained a stable behavior throughout the last week of February, keeping its value close to S/ 3.85, and it is due to the fact that the situation at the local level has not shown major variations, he pointed out. Matías Maciel, co-founder of Rextie.

“The difficult and tense climate on the social and political level persists hand in hand with continuous demonstrations in the capital and in the interior of the country. From an economic point of view, macro soundness shows no signs of suddenly weakening, nor has there been relevant news.”he pointed.

Source: Elcomercio

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