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Wall Street opens in green and the Dow Jones rises 0.16%

Wall Street opened this Wednesday in the green, although without major movements, and the Dow Jones Industrials, its main indicator, rose 0.16%, continuing with the weekly rhythm of small changes.

Twenty minutes after the start of operations on the New York Stock Exchange, the Dow Jones rose to 33,626.21 units, and the selective S&P 500 gained 0.35% to 4,298.75 points.

For its part, the composite index of the Nasdaq market, in which the main technology companies are listed, was revalued at this time by 0.61%, to 13,357.9 integers.

The Wall Street Stock Market is quite stable for another day, without major changes, and with the S&P 500 moving at maximums not seen in the last nine months.

In a statement to CNBC, the executive director of 50 Park Avenue, Adam Sarhan, stressed that this index remains stable after peaking, when normally, after significant increases, it is followed by decreases.

“The fact that it refuses to go down to me is (a sign) very bullish. Normally after a big rally the market pulls back, and when the market doesn’t pull back and moves sideways, it’s very bullish to me,” Sarhan stressed.

By sectors, the greatest gains were for energy and non-essential goods, which gained 1.68% and 0.84%, respectively, while the losses of non-essential goods stood out (-0.44%). and financial (-0.29%).

Among the 30 Dow Jones stocks, the best-performing companies were Chevron (1.5%) and Dow (1.24%), while Visa (-1.52%) and Merck (- 0.93%).

Source: Elcomercio

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