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Reunion Women’s Team Robot Bee Wins InnovaTech 2023

They laughed. They had tears in their eyes. They screamed with joy. They raised their trophies and enjoyed the victory before calling their loved ones. Reunion women’s team (Anna-Emily Ishambe-Ranemacize, Mei-Lan A-Tian, ​​Julie Beg Hermanet, Amelie Lebeau, Valerie Paradis, Mazarin Camalon)– from the city of Le Port – unconditionally won the InnovaTech 2023 competition organized by the Elles Bougent association at the end of May at the Ministry of Economy and Finance. This promotes the place of women in professions where they are a very small minority, such as in industry or digital technology. The key to the winners’ success: a solar-powered robot bee that will pollinate vanilla flowers.

But before the challenge, these young ladies and their godparents had to defend their idea in front of a jury and 16 other regions represented in this national final (780 participants in total in this edition). A sure-fire moment for high school girls who don’t have to be ashamed of their stage presence.

“The world of industry is not just for boys”

They put themselves in the situation and described their project in detail before answering specific questions. Without understanding, the Reunioners shared their beliefs and answered an eye for an eye. The cost of a bee? “2000 euros per unit! But it helps offload the farmer and save time for pollination, which lasts only a few days a year.” An idea that they can also present to Roland Lescour. The Minister Delegate of Industry promised to receive them in a few weeks.

But, above all, this challenge was an opportunity for high school students to realize a project and show that “she” has her place in these professions. “The world of industry and innovation is not just for boys. Do not limit yourself in your choice of studies and career,” said Sabina Lunel-Suzanne, President of Elles Bougent, decisively.

Source: Le Parisien

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