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Misleading Commercial Methods: Influencers Julien Bert, Rome Renault and Laura Agog are in turn pinned

Bersi’s “Name and Shame” continues. The Directorate General of Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention (DGCCRF) has issued three bans to influencers.

This primarily concerns former reality show candidate Julien Berthe, who was accused of “fraudulent commercial practices” through his Instagram account with 2 million followers and the Telegram channel he was the administrator of. He is accused of allowing “to believe in the possibility of a certain and regular income with the help of a copying service”, deceiving “the consumer in relation to the essential characteristics of the service.”

Illegal injections and covert partnerships

The DGCCRF also penalized influencers Laura Agog (134,000 followers on Instagram) and Rim Renom (1.8 million followers) for not displaying the promotional nature of some of their posts, as did Julien Bert. However, in the opinion of the management, “any publication (posts and stories) relating to a paid commercial partnership must allow identification of its commercial intent and the person on whose behalf it is carried out.”

Rym Renom is also accused of promoting a hyaluronic acid injection service provided by a non-physician-qualified service provider when he created the opposite impression through the content he broadcast.

Recently, the influencer profession has been regulated by law. A few weeks ago, it was Ilan Castronovo and Simon Castaldi who were captured by the DGCCRF and forced to post on their Instagram accounts about the “deceptive commercial methods” they used in the course of their activities.

Source: Le Parisien

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