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Disability: Trojan student invents inclusive lock

Anais Remen, a 2nd year student at the School of Design Troyes (Aube), may have found a concept that will make life easier for many older people and people with disabilities: “The teacher came to introduce us to the existing competitions. I’m quite sensitive to disability. I suddenly liked the Handitec architecture and design competition. I thought about my grandfather, who has a lot of tremors but is not sick. This gives him a lot of problems every day. I told myself that design could possibly intervene at this level. »

After a few pencil strokes, her teacher and her father fell in love with one of Anais’ 5 projects. “The biggest problem with tremor is putting the key in the lock. The funnel attached to the lock stabilizes the jolts and reduces them as they go to really guide the key into the hole,” she explains. Blueprints, paper models, use cases, 3D printing… The young woman spent many weeks working on her prototype before presenting it at Autonomic from June 6th to 8th in Paris.

The medical and paramedical sector attracts

Joint 1st Jury Prize, 1st Public Prize, SimplyLock received unanimous support of €4,000. Using this amount for a vacation trip was out of the question, because now Anais wants to continue the adventure: “The show and the competition brought me many contacts in three days. I have many emails from occupational health professionals or people in the medical and paramedical fields asking me to alert them as soon as they go on sale. They have centers with a lot of places for people with disabilities. They’ll love it on all their castles! »

An achievement that clearly gives meaning to a sector that is sometimes still unknown to the general public. “There are many sectors in design. Graphics, product, space, digit… At the exhibition, I was asked if I studied at an engineering school… Product design still includes a lot of things,” emphasizes Anais Remen.

Next ? “More models, then start dating companies that could help me industrialize. I already imagined packaging in the form of a box with a funnel and adjustable legs … “

Source: Le Parisien

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