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Wall Street closes in red and the Dow Jones falls 0.84%

Wall Street closed this Thursday in red for the third consecutive day and the Dow Jones Industrials, its main indicator, fell 0.84%.

At the end of operations on the New York Stock Exchange, the Dow Jones fell to 34,474 points, while the selective S&P 500 lost 0.77%, to 4,370 integers.

The Nasdaq composite market index, which groups technology companies, lost a notable 1.17%, up to 13,316 units.

Fears of further rises in interest rates are still present, especially after the minutes of the last meeting of the Federal Reserve (Fed)in which members of the Fed’s Federal Open Market Committee said they saw “significant upside risks to inflation, which could require further tightening of monetary policy.”

The Fed’s fears were confirmed on August 10 when, after twelve consecutive months of falls, the inflation rate in the United States rose two tenths in July and stood at 3.2%.

In the debt market, the yield on the 10-year Treasury bond rose to 4.28%, its highest point since November 2007, and the 30-year bond also reached its highest value since 2011.

By sectors, the greatest losses were for companies of non-essential goods (-1.58%) and essential goods (-1.01%) and real estate

rias (-1.2%), while only the energy sector remained afloat (1.11%).

In the Dow 30, the decreases predominated, led by Walgreen (-3.65%), Intel (-2.83%) and Boeing (-2.35%); in a positive key, Cisco (3.34%) and Chevron (1.67%) stood out.

In other markets, Texas oil closed up at $80.39 a barrel and gold also fell to $1,918.9 an ounce.

Source: Elcomercio

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