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“If we expand these devices? ‘: Housing minister wants renovation aid to be used against heat

Help with home renovations to combat heat waves? In any case, this is the position taken by the new Minister of Housing, Patrice Vergriete. “I think what needs to change is to integrate the problem of heat waves into the adaptation of housing,” he explained to the France Inter microphone on Thursday.

Summer comfort is still very little taken into account in housing standards. The only mandatory standards apply to new construction permitted from January 2022. In France, MaPrimeRénov’, the government’s leading energy renewal assistance system, only funds works aimed at additional protection of housing from the cold.

“If we relied on foreign experience? »

But some overseas communities pay to install roofs, ventilated cladding or solar water heaters. “If we expand these devices? What if we draw on foreign experience and extend it to mainland France? I’m more for it,” the minister said.

Heatwaves like the one France is currently experiencing, with 17 more departments put on high alert Thursday, will multiply and intensify as global warming continues.

Build intermediate housing

Another topic of concern to the industry: construction. On this point, Patrice Vergriete was clear. He confirmed that he is “working on a device that will mobilize professional investors to invest in rentals” to restart new construction, which has been in crisis for several months.

Today, developers and builders are worried about the announced closure of the Pinel tax niche and the reorientation of zero-rate loans, which favored private investment in real estate. “A private investor, when he invests in housing, he is primarily looking for tax advantages, and he does not necessarily look at the quality of housing and where it is located,” Vergriete justified, considering that helping professional investors would be “more useful.” stable”.

The latest announcement is a decree from mid-September which, according to the minister, “will allow more municipalities, tourism municipalities, municipalities that are in the process of reindustrialization today, to be able to build more intermediate housing” with rent-regulated but higher than in HLM .

Source: Le Parisien

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