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Wall Street opens in green pushed by the euphoria of the results of Nvidia

Wall Street opens in green pushed by the euphoria of the results of Nvidia

Wall Street opens in green pushed by the euphoria of the results of Nvidia

Wall Street opened this Thursday in the green and the Dow Jones Industrials, its main indicator, rose 0.09%, on a day when investors are still under the effects of the euphoria aroused by the Nvidia results released on Wednesday and the expectations that open up about the world of artificial intelligence.

Ten minutes after the start of operations on the New York Stock Exchange, the Dow Jones stood at 34,503 units and the selective S&P 500 added 0.23%, up to 4,446 points.

For its part, the composite index of the Nasdaq market, in which the main technology companies are listed, rose 0.26%, to 13,757 integers.

Nvidia, the US manufacturer of processors, announced yesterday that in its most recent quarter it has multiplied its quarterly profit by nine thanks to the “new computing era” in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) is key.

In the second quarter of its fiscal year, Nvidia earned 6,188 million dollars, 843% more than in that stretch last year, and doubled its turnover to 13,507 million dollars, a record that it attributed to the growing income of its center of data (10.320 million).

Nvidia’s numbers have skyrocketed since it predicted in May that its business would be one of the biggest beneficiaries of the development of AI, and it has already exceeded a trillion dollars in capitalization, becoming one of the largest listed companies in the US. .

On the other hand, there is a lot of attention in the meeting that the Federal Reserve celebrates tomorrow Friday, in which its president, Jerome Powell, will give a speech at the annual symposium of the central bank in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

By sectors, green reigned, with the main gains being for real estate (1.32%) and public services (1.1%), while non-essential goods were in red (-0.23%). .

Among the 30 Dow Jones stocks, the biggest losses were for Boeing (-2.48%) and Walt Disney (-0.78%), but the green numbers generally dominated, with the biggest gains for Goldman Sachs (1.6 %), JP Morgan (1.36%) and Travelers (1.33%).

Source: Elcomercio

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