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‘Working on a new formula’: Nuud deodorant withdrawn from sale due to painful cysts

Be careful when using Nuud deodorants! The Dutch brand’s products will be withdrawn from sale due to painful cysts in people who have used them. This was announced by the National Agency for Medicines (ANSM) on Wednesday.

According to ANSM, the galenic form of this deodorant, a predominantly oily ointment, “which promotes clogging of armpit pores with the possibility of microbial superinfection through an occlusive effect,” may be responsible for this adverse effect.

After negotiations with the manufacturer, its marketing was temporarily suspended, and all batches available at points of sale, as well as those available from distributors, were removed from the market.

“We are working on a new formula”

The pharmaceutical agency elaborates that users have reported “side effects such as painful cysts in the armpits, sometimes accompanied by an infection that has been treated with antibiotics.” In most reported cases, the cysts disappeared after discontinuing the use of the product or undergoing prescribed treatment.

Created by a very active Dutch company on social media, Nuud’s website states that the deodorant is “temporarily unavailable”. “We are working on a new formula,” – specified. Nuud deodorant ingredients alone are not considered to cause side effects.

Nuud products are sold primarily online or through social media, but can also be purchased from stores or pharmacies. The brand prides itself on being vegan, high potency with a proprietary formula, and sustainable production and distribution.

Source: Le Parisien

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