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Price of the dollar in Peru: how much the exchange rate closed at on Sunday, October 8

Price of the dollar in Peru: how much the exchange rate closed at on Sunday, October 8

Price of the dollar in Peru: how much the exchange rate closed at on Sunday, October 8


What happens when the exchange rate rises?

When the exchange rate of a local currency rises against another currency, it causes the currency to weaken, ie. loses its value against the other currency.


What happens when the exchange rate goes down?

This affects the level of inflation so the purchasing power of some sectors may weaken because more money has to be paid to buy imported products.


SUNAT DOLLAR PRICE – Exchange rate for Sunday, October 8.

• Buys: 3,823

• Sale: 3,828


BBVA DOLLAR PRICE – Exchange rate for Sunday, October 8.

• Buys: 3,729

• Sale: 3,916


DOLLAR PRICE BANK OF THE NATION – Exchange rate for Sunday, October 8.

• Buys: 3,770

• Sale: 3,860


INTERBANK DOLLAR PRICE – Exchange rate for Sunday, October 8.

• Buys: 3,775

• Sale: 3,875


BCP DOLLAR PRICE – Exchange rate for Sunday, October 8.

• Buys: 3,782

• Sale: 3,870


SCOTIABANK DOLLAR PRICE – Exchange rate for Sunday, October 8.

• Buys: 3,736

• Sale: 3,916


What is the Ocoña dollar?

The Ocoña dollar is the “street dollar”, that is, the informal exchange rate, the one that is bought and sold in the parallel market or exchange houses. The Ocoña jirón and the “Ocoña dollar” are still in force as a reference for the parallel market for the purchase and sale of dollars.

Source: BBVA



1.- The published exchange rate corresponds to the SBS closing price of the previous day.

2.- On days when there is no published exchange rate, the rate of the immediately preceding day must be taken.


How to get a better exchange rate?

The ideal time to exchange dollars is in the morning, since financial institutions or exchange houses normally have better prices between 9am. and 1pm. Monday to Friday.


How much did the dollar close at on Saturday, October 7?

The price of the dollar in the country closed on Saturday, October 7, 2023 in S/3.8280 (with an opening of S/3.8335), as announced by the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP).


The interbank exchange rate closed with an average value of S/3.8272with a maximum of S/3.8360 and a minimum of S/3.8240.


What is the difference between the buying and selling price of the dollar?

• Purchase price: what the buyer is willing to pay to acquire the asset.

• Sale price: what the seller is willing to receive for selling the asset.


What does the price of the dollar depend on?

It depends on the supply and demand of the market. How difficult it is to get it for someone who needs it and how easy it is to sell it for someone who has it.


Check the buying and selling price of the dollar in the country this Sunday, October 8.

• Price of the dollar in Peru: how much the exchange rate closed at on Saturday, October 7.

  • BCV dollar in Venezuela | Exchange rate, according to the official rate of the Central Bank of Venezuela

Source: Elcomercio

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