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SNCF: threat of strike over Christmas holidays

Travelers who bought a train ticket to join their family in late December may be worried. Sud Rail threatens public movement at the end of the year. In a letter sent on November 9 to three other unions (CGT Cheminots, Unsa Ferroviaire, CFDT Cheminots), the organization calls for “a powerful mobilization” on the “wage issue.” An inter-union meeting could take place next week, after the end of the (ongoing) CGT Cheminots congress.

We are talking about management’s proposal during the round table on salaries on November 8 as part of the mandatory annual negotiations (NAO). The agreement, due to be signed by next Tuesday, calls for increases of “an average of 4.6%” and a “cost-sharing bonus” of 400 euros at the end of the year. This is not enough for the unions. “In fact, growth across the board was 1.8%, and that’s not enough!” Tans Julien Trocas, Federal Secretary of SUD Rail. We are constantly behind inflation. Everything is increasing, but the railway workers can’t cope! »

SUD Rail’s “central demand” is for a €400 increase for “all railway workers”, which the union estimates amounts to “just under €700 million” for the company. “When will we see that he earns 2 billion euros in profit and pays 1 billion to the bankruptcy fund (which finances the maintenance of the railway network), This does not seem insurmountable to us. Our claim is legitimate! ” continues Julien Trocas.

Example of controllers from last year

Last week Philippe Brew, the new SNCF group HR director, confirmed that the railways had benefited from growth of “12% in the last two years” and “17-21% in three years”, adding to the proposal put forward. table during the last NAO. Thus, aggregate inflation is higher, estimated by SNCF management at 13% over three years. “Elements of false and intolerable language, the purpose of which is to beat up the railways,” irritates Didier Mathis, secretary general of Unsa Ferroviaire.

At this time, no mobilization date has been set. SUD Rail intends, first of all, to put pressure on the resumption of negotiations before the end of the year. “It seems clear that major furlough layoffs will be subject to notification if it comes to that,” admits a manager at another union organization.

Last year, the Christmas holidays were seriously disrupted by a social movement of controllers launched by a collective on social networks. “They showed that you have to push hard to get things that matter,” says a union official. Management and travelers have been notified.

Source: Le Parisien

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