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Ban on the sale of oysters: complaints filed in the Loire country

Ban on the sale of oysters: complaints filed in the Loire country

Ban on the sale of oysters: complaints filed in the Loire country

The regional committee for shellfish farming (CRC) Pays de la Loire has filed three complaints against X following a ban on the sale of oysters in the Vendée and Loire-Atlantique, its president announced on Thursday.

Jean-Yves Le Goff said that on Wednesday evening he filed complaints about harming the good ecological state of coastal waters, endangering the lives of others, as well as a commercial and image shortage of professionals in the sector. “We are tired of being pollution payers. We are victims of land pollution for which we bear no responsibility,” he said. Professionals from the region “are also filing complaints in their personal capacity,” added Jean-Yves Le Goff.

Temporary bans on the sale of oysters were introduced in the Loire-Atlantique in December and in the Vendee in early January after the discovery of norovirus, which causes gastroenteritis.

Tests also revealed the presence of norovirus in Arcachon (Gironde), Calvados and even in Manches. This situation has led to temporary bans on the sale of oysters, traditionally very popular at Christmas and New Year.

In Normandy too?

Normandy CRC vice-president Patrice Rhodes said he was “discussing with the interprofessional body” the possible complaint. “If we file a complaint, it will be against

VIDEO. Oyster sales ban: a sledgehammer for Arcachon oyster farmers

Beyond the financial impact, restoring the shellfish’s image is another major concern for producers concerned that consumers will turn away from oysters, including those produced in regions not affected by the bans. “These temporary bans are completely unrelated to the work of shellfish farmers. They are related to viruses, not to the quality of the oysters,” Maritime Minister Hervé Berville emphasized in an interview with the Ouest-France daily newspaper at the end of December.

The minister also said that the issue of “additional assistance” to support producers will be considered when losses in trade turnover are identified.

Source: Le Parisien

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