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“People don’t dare take the plunge”: how Mandiu went from informal worker to petty boss

From shadow to light. This is the choice that 33-year-old Mandiu Kuate made after moving from an informal car accessory painting business to a small business that has been established since 2023 in three to four years. With the help of TTJClean, this resident from Epinay-sur-Seine (Seine-Seine) Saint-Denis) is now an entrepreneur and dreams of much more, such as several garages and franchises.

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“It all started with customizing the rims of a car I had just bought,” he says. I shared what I made on social media and it was very popular. People asked me if I could do this on their car, which gave me the idea to do paid services. I did it like this, at ridiculous prices, so I could have some money. »

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Source: Le Parisien

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