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Bruno Le Maire, wearing black leather and a 1980s hairstyle, will talk about artificial intelligence

Bruno Le Maire, wearing black leather and a 1980s hairstyle, will talk about artificial intelligence

Bruno Le Maire, wearing black leather and a 1980s hairstyle, will talk about artificial intelligence

The Minister of Economy has changed a little in recent hours. Bruno Le Maire seemed rejuvenated and seemed to be transported back to the 1980s or perhaps the early 1990s.

On Saturday morning, the Bercy executive posted a somewhat unexpected photo on the professional social network LinkedIn. Number 2 in government seems to have lost several years, if not several decades. He also wears a leather jacket, a chain around his neck and a silver bracelet. His haircut is reminiscent of a hairstyle typical of the 1980s or early next decade. All this contrasts with the outfits associated with his duties.

“France is and must remain the leading country in Europe”

But this photo is completely false. It was created by artificial intelligence (AI). “It’s amazing what you can do, isn’t it? This picture confirms this,” laughs a member of the government in a commentary to his publication.

He describes AI as a “technological, industrial, civilizational, political, cultural and social revolution.” “But what kind of revolution are we really talking about? Will we be able to see the full potential? What are the specific consequences? ” he is asking.

“France is and must remain Europe’s leading country in the field of artificial intelligence. Europe must remain a continent of innovation, technological breakthroughs and courage,” he also asserts. Let us remind you that the second World Summit on Artificial Intelligence will be held in France. The first meeting of this kind took place last fall in the UK.

Source: Le Parisien

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