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Edwy Plenel will leave the post of President of Mediapart

Edwy Plenel will leave the post of President of Mediapart

Edwy Plenel will leave the post of President of Mediapart

Edwy Plenel leaves. The 71-year-old journalist will step down as president of Mediapart, which he founded in 2007, on March 14.

“The miracle of Mediapart is that the team is essentially between 25 and 45 years old, I’m 71. It’s normal that it lives independently of us,” the former director of Le Monde explained on France Inter, referring to “the transfer is fine.” .

“I will continue to write for Mediapart, I will continue to be present through my pen, but I will not be the legal manager, the boss of the company,” the mustachioed journalist, who is feared by political leaders on all sides, also emphasized. who did not reveal the name of his successor.

François Mitterrand’s anger

Together with his team, he launched the Cahusac case in late 2012, named after the former Socialist budget minister who was fired after lying about his secret bank account kept abroad. Online media have published a lot of information about the #MeToo movement, including testimony from Gérard Depardieu or, more recently, psychoanalyst Gérard Miller.

Edwy Plenel joined the daily Le Monde in 1980 and took over as editor in 1995. against French nuclear tests in Polynesia angered President François Mitterrand.

Source: Le Parisien

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