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SNCF: How much do controllers planning to strike this weekend earn?

A little over a year later, they were back at it. The National Collective of ASCT (CNA), uniting thousands of controllers, will lead a strike from Thursday evening to Monday morning in response to the call of SUD-Rail and CGT-Cheminots. A new social conflict after the one it caused at Christmas 2022 demands higher wages. And, above all, it is better to take their earnings into account when calculating their pension. Explanations.

At the beginning of a career, a controller’s fixed salary is less than 2,000 euros gross. At the end of the career for the “elite”, that is, for those who work for TGV, it increases to 2200–2500 euros. To this is added a certain number of bonuses, allowing you to receive a remuneration of about 2,500 euros net in mid-career and about 3,500 euros net before leaving work.

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Source: Le Parisien

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