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Wall Street opens mixed and Dow Jones rises 0.60% this Tuesday, April 16

Wall Street opens mixed and Dow Jones rises 0.60% this Tuesday, April 16

Wall Street opens mixed and Dow Jones rises 0.60% this Tuesday, April 16

Wall Street opened this Tuesday on mixed terrain and the Dow Jones Industrials, its main indicator, rose 0.60%, up to 37,962 points.

Three minutes after the opening of the trading floor, the selective S&P 500 It rose by 0.04% to reach 5,160 integers, but the rise was so slight that in the previous moments it was vacillating between green and red.

The same thing happens to Nasdaqwhich at the same time lost 0.11% and stood at 15,868 units.

For its part, the yield on the 10-year Treasury bond rose to 4.69%.

Today the trend is set by the results of some of the large companies, such as Bank of America, Morgan Stanley and UnitedHealth, generally positive. The CNBC portal recalls that of the companies that have already reported quarterly results, four out of five have exceeded expectations.

““They are giving Wall Street reasons for optimism,” underlines the portal.

On the other hand, investors remain concerned about the rise in inflation in March, which moved away from the Federal Reserve’s (Fed) 2% target and thus reduces hopes that there will be an interest rate cut soon.

In the sectors, the losses in real estate (-1.37%) and public services (-1.17%) stand out, compared to the gains in essential goods (0.24%).

In the Dow 30 index, the gains of United Health (6.21%) stand out above all, followed by IBM (1.12%); among the losers we can mention Johnson&Johnson (-2.23%) and Caterpillar (-1.34%).


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Source: Elcomercio

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