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Spanish stock market rises 1.23% and recovers 10,700 points driven by banks

Spanish stock market rises 1.23% and recovers 10,700 points driven by banks

Spanish stock market rises 1.23% and recovers 10,700 points driven by banks

The Spanish stock market rose 1.23% this Thursday, driven by the banks, in a bullish session for the large European stock markets and for Wall Street, which started the day with rebounds.

The IBEX 35, the main selective of the Spanish stock market, has added 131.1 points, that is 1.23%, to 10,765 points and in the year it has accumulated an increase of 6.56%.

The Spanish stock market began the session with increases, which it maintained throughout the day and intensified in the last part, until closing with that increase of 1.23%, in a day in which Bankinter inaugurated the presentation of results in Spain.

Among the large values, Santander has risen 2.86%; BBVA, 1.96%; Telefónica, 1.18%; Iberdrola, 0.76%; Inditex, 0.37%. On the contrary, Repsol has fallen 1.02% (third largest fall on the IBEX).


EC Editorial

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Source: Elcomercio

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