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Universal Time Savings Account (Cetu): what the agreement signed on Tuesday contains

Universal Time Savings Account (Cetu): what the agreement signed on Tuesday contains

Universal Time Savings Account (Cetu): what the agreement signed on Tuesday contains

Employees will soon be able to stock up on groceries for the weekend. The Universal Time Savings Account (Cetu) was the subject of an agreement on Tuesday between several trade unions and an employers’ organization. It “aims to give every employee more freedom to manage their time.” Emmanuel Macron’s election promise: it should allow all employees to save free time. The draft interprofessional agreement also plans to include RTT and bonuses in this regard, which can be used throughout the career, even if you change companies.

These are the provisions of the agreement, which do not apply immediately, but could be fully incorporated or amended by the government in the Labor Bill II, which is expected in the fall.

Ketu Diet

According to the project, an employee can save unused vacation days in excess of four weeks a year, that is, at least one week. This may be supplemented by additional leave provided for by industry or corporate agreement. RTT days, overtime and bonuses can also be used to finance Cetu.

The employer pays the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations an amount corresponding to the vacation, RTT or bonuses accrued by the employee. Over time, this amount of money is revalued each year based on the Basic Hourly Wage (BHWE).

terms of Use

No seniority conditions are required if the employee uses their Cetu to assist a loved one, parent or child in a vulnerable situation, or to extend maternity leave. After one year of service, the employee can use his Cetu for social or civic engagement or to gain qualifications through a professional retraining project on his own initiative. Starting from three years of service, an employee can use his Cetu for any personal purpose.

In addition to holidays, an employee can use their Cetu to reduce their working hours at the end of their career by up to half their working hours.

Minimum Latency

An employee who wants to mobilize his Cetu must give his employer at least one month’s notice for absences of less than five weeks, three months’ notice for absences between 5 weeks and six months, and six months’ notice.

Current CETs will remain

Cetu does not question the existing CET (Time Savings Account) in companies and professional sectors, which currently affects between 10% and 20% of private sector employees and around half of civil servants. They mainly benefit employees of large companies and the highest paid.

Source: Le Parisien

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