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Eurosatory gun fair: Justice overturns exclusion of Israeli companies

The Israeli companies won their case. The Paris commercial court has suspended the exclusion of Israeli companies from the Eurosatory, the largest international exhibition of land-based defense and security, which opened on Monday in Villepinte (Seine-Saint-Denis).

A group of NGOs won Friday in Bobigny’s court to ban any Israeli representative or intermediary other than exhibitors from participating in Eurosatory. The decision, which the organizer Coges Events appealed.

At the end of May, the Ministry of Defense ordered Koges to ban the Israeli delegation, given suspicions of war crimes, even genocide, committed in the Gaza Strip. The decision comes amid international outrage following an explosion at a refugee camp in Rafah that killed dozens of people.

More than 70 companies are involved in the project.

Koges then announced that the Israeli stand, which was supposed to house 74 exhibitors, would be closed. But a collective of associations for solidarity with Palestine and the fight against proliferation filed a summary judgment on Thursday morning in the Bobigny court, which has jurisdiction over Villepinte. They believed that the absence of a position did not guarantee the absence of an Israeli presence. They were heard until this Tuesday.

Patrick Klugman, a lawyer for the Franco-Israeli Chamber of Commerce (CCFI), said in a message posted on X (formerly Twitter) that he was “very proud” of the suspension, which he called “discriminatory.”

The exhibition enjoys record attendance with more than 2,000 exhibitors and 270 official delegations, despite the absence of Israeli companies. Eurosatory “is a platform for connections with the defense ecosystem and commercial contacts,” summed up Emmanuel Levacher, president of armored vehicle manufacturer Arquus.

Source: Le Parisien

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