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The Generalitat decrees the municipal confinement and new restrictions due to the negative data of the coronavirus in Catalonia

As of January 7, gyms and shopping centers will close their doors for 10 days and on the weekend only stores selling essential products will open

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After the criticism received for not having tightened the restrictions due to the coronavirus before New Years Eve, the Generalitat it will tighten current measures as of January 7 due to the negative evolution of epidemiological data in Catalonia.

For 10 days, the district confinement will become municipal and commercial and sports activities will be limited. The malls will again be forced to close and only stores with an area of ​​less than 400 square meters. On the weekend only the shops selling essential products, such as supermarkets or pharmacies.

With regard to sport, only outdoor practice will be allowed, so the gyms they will be closed again. Likewise, the extracurricular activities Unless they are made up of students from the same bubble groups from the classes, who will resume the course next Monday after the Christmas holidays.

Time and capacity restrictions for the restoration and the culture they remain unchanged, as does the night curfew.

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