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Gilberto Santa Rosa premiered the video for his song “Cartas sobre la mesa”

Lima, March 3, 2022Updated on 03/03/2022 07:54 am

Gilberto Santa Rosa puts salsa back in the spotlight. Several times winner of the Latin Grammy, with more than 3 million copies sold in the United States and Puerto Rico alone, the “Caballero de la Salsa” began the year with good news for his fans, since he released “Cartas sobre la mesa”.

This topic, which is his most recent single and preview of his new record production “Debut y Segunda tanda”, which will be released this year, It is a hymn to friendship that turns into love, and it is also accompanied by a video clip showing romantic love in all its forms.

The song quickly exceeded the expectations of the salsa audience, always in search of the perfect balance between catchy rhythms and musical arrangements, and It already borders the million views on YouTube.

“Cartas sobre la mesa”, composition by Cuban singer Mucho Manolo and arranged by Ramón Sánchez, se premieres under the record label B2B Music and with a video clip filmed in Miami by José Trujillo.

“I am very excited to start the year giving the public a musical proposal that will be part of my new record production”, Gilberto said about his most recent single “Cartas sobre la mesa”, which is now available on all music platforms.

“The theme is a kind of confession that seeks an honest answer to that intrigue that arises when one has the suspicion that there are feelings beyond a simple friendship, but he wants to get rid of doubts once and for all and throws himself with everything to clarify what is happening “he added.

Source: Elcomercio

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