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Itatí Cantoral: “The antagonistic characters are the most complex” | VIDEO

The voice of Itatí Cantoral is engraved in the memory of several generations of Latin Americans. Phrases he spoke in the skin of Soraya Montenegroone of the great villains of Mexican melodramas, in “María, la del barrio” are already part of popular culture, and it is curious that, despite this, only at the age of 46 is she ready for her great debut in the voice dubbing.

Although she has made small appearances in “Thunderbirds” (2004) and “Minius: A Villain is Born” (2021), in “Red”, Itatí Cantoral will have her first role as a dubbing actress for Disney/Pixar, the most successful duo in the world. world of film animation. In this title, which will premiere exclusively on the Disney Plus streaming platform, Cantoral will voice a strong character, but for more friendly reasons than those of characters like Isabel Bocelli de Velasco in “Amores con trap” (2015): mother’s love

In “Red”, Cantoral gives voice to Ming Lee, the mother of a teenager of Chinese descent who lives in Toronto in 2002 and will face a series of emotional and physical changes as she reaches adolescence.

“I am the mother of 3 children, I have a teenage daughter, 13 years old. This movie fit me like a glove. As soon as I saw her, unfortunately, I identified with this overprotective mom, because that’s how I am. I think that, like me, many mothers are going to identify themselves, but whoever does not want to see themselves, no way”, said the Mexican at a press conference with Latin American media in which “Skip Intro” from “El Trade”.

I was very pleased to know that I have such an interesting vocal tool and I want to continue doing dubbing.

“The theme of the film seems wonderful to me. I feel very happy to be part. As a mother, the story touched my heart, touched my deepest fibers. In addition to sensitizing me, he left me with a beautiful moral. It is one of those films that I am going to continue watching,” added the artist.

Itatí Cantoral provides the voice for Ming Lee in "Red".  (Photo: Disney)

villain voice

As an actress, for Itatí Cantoral the process of working only with her voice has been very interesting. “I was very pleased to know that I have such an interesting vocal tool and I want to continue doing dubbing, it is very interesting to express yourself only with your voice,” said the artist, who acknowledges that the color of her voice may have helped her in her career as a villain.

“My voice is serious, like pasty, I have a vocal range of a serious tessitura, my voice is heard like that of the villains, dark,” he joked, although he has not made other types of characters for that. Moreover, his career is marked by dramatic and comic registers.

In “Red”, Itatí Cantoral gives voice to the overprotective mother of a teenager.

“I have had all kinds of characters, now I do a lot of comedy, although I am a dramatic actress. I like strong characters”, explains Cantoral, who, in any case, values ​​the weight of the antagonistic characters, not only in her career, but in the development of many stories.

“The antagonistic characters are the most complex, the most difficult, the richest to interpret, you have to be more histrionic, I have had the virtue of having that type of characters. When you make tragic characters, which is what I started doing very young, it gives you the advantage of being able to make comedy more easily, it’s not so easy to make tragic characters,” Itatí said. “In my time of soap operas, they were the characters that moved the plot, the characters that stayed with the people,” he said.

a tear paper

Although for her work in “Red”, Cantoral took much of her experience as a mother, there was also a moment when she had to resort to her memory as a daughter, which was especially emotional for her, due to the death of her mother, Itatí Zucchi , who died in January 2021 due to consequences of COVID-19.

“I also had to put myself in the role of daughter. As my mother has just passed away, in that scene of reflection that we cannot ‘spoil’, it touched me (to the heart) both times. When I saw the movie without having dubbed it, I cried a lot and also when I was dubbing it. A lot of crying, because she touched that side of my daughter too, ”Cantoral explained.

“This movie makes you understand how no one is perfect. The mom isn’t perfect, but neither is the teenage daughter. We have to love each other with our own differences, which is what the story is about”, concluded the artist who currently, in addition to this film, stars in the play “Alone in the Dark”, a thriller that debuted on the Mexican stage at end of 1988.


“Red” premieres March 11 on Disney Plus.

This is its official synopsis: “Mei Lee is a confident and somewhat naive thirteen-year-old girl, torn between remaining a dutiful daughter and the chaos of adolescence. As if the changes in her relationships, her interests and her body weren’t enough, she turns into a giant red panda every time she gets too excited.”.



Source: Elcomercio

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