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“The Adam Project”: Ryan Reynolds tells how this movie touched him personally

Although it is not the first time that he has produced on film, Ryan Reynolds feel that withthe adam project” has achieved one of his most personal works. And it is that the film has allowed him to explore some of the most sensitive moments in his history and transfer them with a visual language that makes him evoke some of his favorite films of the 80s.

In this film, in which he returns to work with his compatriot Shawn Levy, Reynolds plays Adam Reed, a man who travels from 2055 to 2022 to change the course of history and save the woman he loves (Zoe Saldana) and the destiny of the inhabitants of the Earth. We talked to him about it:

-How did you connect personally with this story?

I would say that all these problems that Adam Reed, my character, has with his childhood and his parents are problems that I also have. I lost my father at a very young age and I think that’s part of the story I wanted to tell in this film: that one can reconcile with his past. There are many things that are not said, it does not matter if you had a great relationship with your parents, you never have enough time with them. “In the Adam project”, my character has a complicated relationship with his parents, I really had it, but in his case he has to discover how much (of those problems he has with them) he has created in his head and how much It is true. And it turns out that a lot of what he keeps is actually what he himself has been led to believe happened.

– In the film there are great phrases. Personally, I really liked it when you say in a scene with Jennifer Garner “boys always go back to their moms”, what was your favorite line from the movie and how did you film that scene?

I took that line from real life, it was something I used to say to my mother. When my father died, my brothers and I came back for her, joined together and took care of her. So that resonated with me and we put it in the scene because it really means something to me and I know it will mean something to people who have been through a similar experience. Filming that scene was really emotional. I didn’t imagine it would be like this, but Jennifer Garner is so good at her job that she made mine simple. All I had to do was listen to her and look into her eyes. That scene is very beautiful.

Ryan Reynolds and Jennifer Garner in a dramatic scene from "The Adam Project."  (Photo: Netflix)

– In the movie there are also many references to classic movies, “Star Wars”, “Back to the future”… Do you also see this movie with a love letter to those movies that inspired you to make movies?

If it is. It’s a love letter to ’80s sci-fi movies. ET: “Back to the Future,” “Goonies,” “Stand by Me”…these are movies that were a tremendous pillar of my childhood. The same thing happens to Shawn Levy. When we worked on “Free Guy”, Shawn and I wanted to achieve a similar feeling in the film, but I think in “The Adam Project” he feels even more. These are great movies, with beautiful adventures and action, but they never get away from the emotion, from the feeling. They never underestimate children or parents in the public, we wanted to preserve that in “The Adam Project”.

Ryan Reynolds and Walker Scobell in "The Adam Project."  (Photo: Netflix)

– We know that you are an expert in comedy and action, but in this film you have to work those kinds of scenes with a young actor like Walker Scobell, how was the experience of working with a child actor?

Walker is really good. What’s more, I’m going to answer you in my role as producer: thanks to him, we finished the film earlier and with money left over from the budget. Knowing that we would have to work with a child, we left more room thinking that maybe we would need more time to get what we wanted from him, but Walker came so prepared and he was so good and so able to transform and play in the moment, because we threw new scenes and new lines (on set). We were writing new stuff back in the day and he really made our job easier, I can’t think of anyone better for the role. This film lives and dies in his work. The result would not be the same if we had not had Walker Scobell in “The Adam Project”.

Ryan Reynold and Walker Scobell on stage from "The Adam Project."  (Photo: Netflix)



Source: Elcomercio

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