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Tyler Henri claims to receive messages from beyond… “Heroines” on…

There is not only live in life, there is also replay. From YouTube and Netflix to TV channel replays and radio station podcasts, 20 minutes concocts for you every Sunday a list of things to see, or see again, to listen to or re-listen to.

Messages from elsewhere

The name of Tyler Henry is probably unknown to you but know that in the United States, he is one of the most popular mediums. The young man, now 26, claims to receive messages from the beyond, from relatives of people who come to consult him. What to arouse your curiosity or your perplexity? Take a look at the documentary series Listening to the beyond, on Netflix, which follows the twenty-something during his consultations and in his private life. The first episode that he is in full search of the origins of his mother, who learned late that the one who raised him is not his parent…

A selection of films with fantastic women

You have to know how to take the time to rummage through the sites of our TV channels. You can find real good deals there, such as the “Heroines” selection on Nine feature films carried by particularly striking female characters. In the bundle: The Pianist, by Michael Haneke, which won Isabelle Huppert the interpretation prize at Cannes in 2001 for her performance in the title role. We also recommend A fantastic womanpoignant portrait of a trans woman in Chile.

If Russia occupied Norway…

occupiedwas launched in 2015 but it particularly resonates with current events. This Norwegian series is a dystopia imagining Norway occupied by Russia, with the consent of the European Union, after the United States left NATO… The first two seasons of this thriller are available on

Source: 20minutes

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