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Horoscope today, Monday April 11, 2022: This is what the predictions say for your zodiac sign

Horoscope for Monday, April 11, 2022 | Know what the stars have in store for you in love, money and work, according to the signs of the zodiac. As usual, we share below the horoscope from today for your zodiac sign.

Horoscope for today, Monday April 11, 2022

ARIES (March 21-April 20)

  • Work and business: discovers unfinished tasks with annoyance and will want to finish them immediately. Love: discussions end and understanding arises. New beginning is born.

TAURUS (April 21-May 20)

  • Work and business: He proposes changes but they will generate an unexpected rejection that will affect his confidence. Love: you will receive displays of affection that will ease your heart; everything will be fine.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

  • Work and business: his tendency to snoop on several topics at once will get him into trouble. Love: a trip will be the key to recover harmony and resolve differences.

CANCER (June 22-July 23)

  • Work and business: A possible change arises in your business and that will distress you, but there will be a solution. Love: everything will seem calm but there will be clear signs of mutual boredom.

LEO (July 24-August 23)

  • Work and business: his strong character will be activated when the busybody wants to tarnish his task. Love: a date will turn out better than you expect. An unforgettable romance is coming.

VIRGO (Aug 24-Sept 23)

  • Work and business: your environment will understand that your idea is not a boast but a good for all. Love: relaxation in the couple will allow you to open your heart and resume dialogue.

LIBRA (Sept 24-Oct 22)

  • Work and business: an event will attract good fortune to your business. Achievements. Love: a tense moment will end up showing a couple’s conflict; be patient.

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 22)

  • Work and business: excessive pressure from your environment will make you react intolerantly. Love: indifference will not be a good path. Listen to your partner before you act.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)

  • Work and business: the growing rumors of promotions will generate awkward moments. Love: the worst thing will be to decide in a hurry. Your heart will make a difficult decision.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 20)

  • Work and business: he will be irritated by an unfinished business but the solution will appear. Love: favorable day to declare your attraction to a certain person in a fun encounter.

AQUARIUS (Jan 21-Feb 19)

  • Work and business: Even with praise from influential people, you will feel like you are falling short. Love: an exotic outing favors the climate of the couple; everything stabilizes.

PISCES (Feb 20-March 20)

  • Work and business: all around him sound voices that lack the truth. Let yourself be guided by your intuition. Love: If you go on a date with strong seduction, a sweet romance will be inevitable.



Source: Elcomercio

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