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Álvaro Soler sings to heartbreak in “Only for you”: “Art is for taking risks” | INTERVIEW

dedicated to compose songs of bittersweet love, the Spanish artist Álvaro Soler seeks to give more of this melancholy to his followers with his latest single “Solo para ti”. But not only that, but seeking to challenge himself by merging pop with EDM, a genre he had not experimented with until now, and with which he wants, gives his music a fresher air.

In interview with Trade, Soler said that the song was born in a studio in Berlin (Germany) when he joined DJ Topic and they made magic. “I didn’t have an idea for a song when I entered the studio and I let myself be surprised by the attitude and energy of the moment and that came out; It’s like this song suddenly came out and those things that happen. The truth is that I am very happy with the result.“, he pointed.

The Spaniard recognizes that he usually saves various ideas in the notes of his cell phone to have them as a backup in those creative moments. “If I go to a studio and I can’t think of anything I like, I have that ‘backup’ on my mobile, but I always prefer to go to a studio and see how the vibe is to start with a new thing, “he added. The song began with just the guitar melody, and only later Álvaro added the melancholy lyrics. “That’s the way things go, sometimes fast and sometimes slower, but it doesn’t take long really”, he acknowledged.

Try new beats

Álvaro Soler sought to create a strong contrast between the music, the rhythm and the lyrics; you could dance it and cry at the same time. “The lyrics are much more melancholy. The intention was to cover both worlds. It’s like putting two ingredients together and seeing what can happen“, said.

The artist decided to mix pop with EDM because he considers that “We are in a very beautiful moment where music is very open to experimentation and I think that you have to take risks. I believe that, in this world, art is to take risks. No one has done anything incredibly new without taking a little risk. So, I like to take risks with music, take risks and surprise. Let’s see what surprise I’m going to get with the reaction of the people”.

For the video clip of “Solo para ti”, the artists decided to base it on a more abstract concept. “It has many changes of ‘mood’, many moments. I don’t want to reveal too much, but it’s true that it’s a very different video from what I’ve done so far and I wanted that. I wanted a video that was similar to the song and get away from Álvaro Soler’s typical and see what happens if we try a little here”, he pointed out.

The artist also mentioned that, perhaps in the future, he will experiment with rock. “I like the energy that it has and, like EDM, it can be conveyed in a different way. But well, in the end, I don’t think about it much, I try to go more for the sensation and the ‘feeling’ that the song gives me. If the song is good, then it doesn’t matter what style it is”.

In that sense, he did not rule out perhaps trying the reggaeton genre and, if the possibility arises, collaborating with his compatriot Rosalía. “Nothing is impossible. So, I would love to do a song (with Rosalía), even from Barcelona. about what we like“, accurate.

Promotion of “Magic” and more news

In July of last year, Álvaro Soler released his third studio album “Magia”. However, due to the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the artist has not had the opportunity to sing live songs like “Different” with Greg Taro and “Mañana” with Cali y el Dandee.

For this reason, the Spanish will dedicate this 2022 to perform several concerts around Spain and other countries, in which Peru could be included, before focusing on other projects. “We haven’t been able to play many songs on the album and it’s weird. All the artists are going through the same thing and when we are all there at the concerts we will have a great time. Let’s dance, let’s sing, let’s have an amazing time. For now, this year I’m going to prioritize it in concerts“, accurate. From next week rehearsals for the tour will begin, so get ready.

Also, in January he launched his collaboration with David Bisbal in the song “A contracorriente”, which has more than 10 million views on Spotify. Asked about what it is like to work with one of the greatest exponents of music in Spain, Soler stressed that “He is a very nice person, who has a lot of light and I love being able to share a song with him because he represents Spanish pop for me. David Bisbal is 100% Spanish pop. Being able to share a song with him was super fun and we shared a lot of things. I hope to see it again soon and sing it live for the first time”.

Finally, Álvaro Soler left a heartfelt message to all his Peruvian followers: “Peruvian friends. They don’t know what comes with “Only for you”. It’s a song that will blow your mind because it’s very different from what I’ve done so far. It is an experiment. If you like to try new things and see what it is, then you can listen to it on “Only for you”. See you very soon”, he finished.

Source: Elcomercio

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