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Jane Fonda is not afraid of aging… Jessica Simpson has emptied her bank accounts…

April 25, 2022

Sharon Osbourne disfigured after cosmetic surgery

Sharon Osbourne did not appreciate her last facelift! According to the star, she even looked “like a Cyclops”! “I had a full facelift in October and I looked like one of those goddamn mummies that they wrap in bandages,” she told the Sunday Times. It hurt like hell. You have no idea. »

“One eye was different from the other. I looked like a goddamn Cyclops,” she adds. Fortunately, the TV host was able to count on the support of her husband, rock legend Ozzy Osbourne. “He said, ‘I don’t care how much it costs, we’re going to have it redone,'” she explains.

Jessica Simpson emptied her bank accounts

Jane Fonda is not afraid of growing old

Jane Fonda doesn’t care about getting old! The actress, who now displays 84 springs, revealed that “one can be very old at 60, and young at 84”. “I am very aware that I am closer to death. And I kinda don’t care. What bothers me is that my body is actually not mine. My knees are not mine, my hips are not mine, my shoulder is not mine”, she explains on the set of CBS Sunday Morning.

“The fact that I’m alive and still working at my age, who cares if it’s not my joints? “, she continues.

Source: 20minutes

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