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Rauw Alejandro danced virally during a concert in Lima and wore a Peruvian chullo

Raww Alexander He offered a concert at La Pelousse del Jockey Plaza on the night of May 6 and surprised more than one fan with his musical numbers.

As part of his show, the Puerto Rican performed the song “2/Catorce” and as part of this performance, the musician did his dance that went viral on social networks.

The video of his dance was replicated on the social networks of Sony Music: “This is how 2/Catorce de Rauw sounded in Peru”.

Rauw Alejandro wore a Peruvian chullo

Another important moment of the show Rauw in Lima was when the celebrity wore the Peruvian chullo.

The fans used social networks to replicate this moment, where they highlighted the humility of Rosalía’s boyfriend.

“I love the cuteness of how he identifies himself in each country where he goes… that little alpaca wool hat (chullo). Raww Alexander you keep breaking it”, said a fan on Twitter.

Source: Elcomercio

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