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Rosángela Espinoza starred in the official video of “Under the sky of Paris”, new bachata by Vicky Corbacho

The singer Vicky Corbacho premiered “Under the sky of Paris”, a song that will be part of her album “Bachata fresh”. The theme was presented with an official video, which was starred by the model Rosangela Espinoza and the dancer Lucas Piro.

The audiovisual production of “Under the Sky of Paris” was recorded in the beautiful locations of the city of Rosario, Argentina.

The pair of dancers, two-time champion of “El Gran Show” 2015, met again to move to the rhythm of Corbacho’s theme.

It should be remembered that Rosángela and Lucas won the hearts of the international public for their choreography of the song “Qué bonito” by Vicky Corbacho. They made the song very popular for their steps on Gisela Valcárcel’s famous dance floor.

Since then Espinoza, Piro and Corbacho began a great friendship, and promised to make a success together again. The theme is already on all digital platforms and on YouTube.

Source: Elcomercio

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