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Kanye West’s lawyer stops representing the rapper in his divorce from Kim Kardashian

Kanye West’s lawyer stops representing the rapper in his divorce from Kim Kardashian

Kanye West’s lawyer stops representing the rapper in his divorce from Kim Kardashian

And four… A new lawyer for Kanye West preferred to throw in the towel. This time, it’s about Samantha Spector, who asked the justice to be able to be removed from her functions in the divorce proceedings between the rapper and his ex-wife, Kim Kardashian.

The reason for this resignation? “There has been an irreconcilable breakdown in the lawyer-client relationship,” explained Samantha Spector in her motion, relayed by ET. She specifies that a new lawyer has already been found. “(I) communicated with Ms. Hong, a lawyer, who confirmed that she was acting on Ye’s behalf and should receive all communications directed to him,” it also read.

The best

This new change of legal representative is far from being anecdotal: Samantha Spector is considered one of the best lawyers specializing in divorce cases. This is also why she was chosen last March.

Her “replacement” would not be, according to ET, not at all accustomed to this kind of business. She would not even practice in California, where Kanye West and Kim Kardashian live, but in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on the other side of the United States. It is difficult to know if this fifth lawyer has been chosen temporarily or if she really intends to take care of the finalization of the procedure between the two parties. Because even if the reality TV star is officially separated from her ex-husband, nothing has yet been put in place to keep her from their four children.

The rapper complained about it in a new song, True Love, released last weekend. He shares his impression of “borrowing” his children when he has the right to see them.

Source: 20minutes

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