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Jessica Newton before criticism of the coronation of Alessia Rovegno: “You can give your opinion, but you don’t have to harm”

Jessica Newton appeared on Carlos Galdós’s “Por Dios y por la plata” program and responded to the harsh criticism that Alessia Rovegno’s coronation received at the Miss Peru Universe 2022.

In a conversation with Galdós, the organizer of the Miss Peru Universe indicated that she is happy with the reception of the media and especially because the contest was televised on América TV.

“I am happy that there has been such a big impact. Today it is very difficult for you to have the misologists of the world pending in a country. Yesterday we received congratulations from Telemundo… I respect that people may like one and may like another candidate. I love the reception that the contest can have. I thank the press for giving us so much visibility”, stated at the beginning.

Newton stressed that the jury chose each candidate for a specific international pageant and believed in Alessia Rovegno to represent Peru in Miss Universe.

“The jury has evaluated which model should represent us on each platform because different prototypes are sought in each contest and that is what people should try to understand”, he explained.

“I can have favorites like everyone else. I imagine that there will be coaches who will have players who will know when to put… I am glad that there is so much attention in the contest and I appreciate that they remain faithful to their candidates, but what does not seem healthy to me is that they hurt themselves. You can give your opinion, but you don’t have to harm”, sentenced.

Source: Elcomercio

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