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Iris Mittenaere and her fiancé urgently evacuated from their building because of a fire

Iris Mittenaere and her fiancé urgently evacuated from their building because of a fire

Iris Mittenaere and her fiancé urgently evacuated from their building because of a fire

Iris Mittenaere was hot. The ex-Miss France was sleeping peacefully at her home in Dubai with her fiancé Diego El Glaoui when, at 3 a.m., they heard strange noises outside. Going to look out the window, they found themselves in front of a monster fire in the building opposite.

“In the middle of the night, we started to hear louder and louder noises. Opening the curtains we saw the chaos. The heart that accelerates and the feeling that everything can change suddenly, ”shared Diego El Glaoui on Instagram in the caption of a video where we can see a building in flames, indeed impressive.


More fear than harm, since the couple was able to quickly take shelter from the flames. “Thank you for your messages but don’t worry, we are safe, far from the building. We were at the meeting point with everyone waiting for instructions and have now left, ”wrote the former Miss Universe on her account.

The star clarified that no one yet knows what the cause of the fire was, but that none of the residents were injured and that everyone was fine. She concluded by thanking the firefighters for their quick response.

In a relationship for three years, Iris Mittenaere and Diego El Glaoui got engaged last summer, and now spend most of their time in Dubai. Let’s hope for the lovers that the next few months will be more serene so that they can prepare their wedding as well as possible!

Source: 20minutes

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