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Rauw Alejandro is accused of copying a song by the Spanish duo Space Surimi

Rauw Alejandro is accused of copying a song by the Spanish duo Space Surimi

Rauw Alejandro is accused of copying a song by the Spanish duo Space Surimi

The Spanish duo Space Surimi has accused the singer on social networks rauw alejandro of plagiarism due to the similarities of “Saturno”, the theme of the Puerto Rican’s new album, with a song of his released two years ago.

“What’s happening here? what happen? joke Space Surimi, made up of Eddie Coopermen and producer Carlboro, in an entry on their Twitter in which they highlight the parallels between their song “Follow the Linier” and that of the Puerto Rican singer, partner of the Spanish Rosalía.

This is how they compare the video clip of Rauw Alejandro’s song, released last Friday and which gives the title to his latest album, “Saturno”, and his, both with a video game aesthetic with a ship traveling through space.

“We would like to know @rauwalejandro the influence of the dolphin song used in the second 1:28 of ‘Saturno’”, they claim, also pointing to similarities in sound.

Without expressly answering them, Rauw Alejandro has also indicated on his social networks that “’Freestyle’ is a fusion between electronics, boom bap (early hip-hop, a genre CREATED by Puerto Ricans and Afro-Americans (a) in the early 80’s in the New York City. The wheel is already invented. Here we only give you our seasoning, that’s what you’re born with.”

He also specifies as a “curious fact” that the “intro” of “Saturno” is inspired by an Instrumental piece from 1984, “Looking From a Hilltop” Section 25, “a mixtape by an experimental music group from those times. She blew our minds and helped give this intro direction.”

The reactions have not been long in coming on the networks, where comments follow one another and there are even those who thank the Puerto Rican for having helped discover Space Surimi.

Source: Elcomercio

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