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Alessia Rovegno and her family album: an intimate look at the childhood and adolescence of our Miss Peru

Alessia Rovegno and her family album: an intimate look at the childhood and adolescence of our Miss Peru

Alessia Rovegno and her family album: an intimate look at the childhood and adolescence of our Miss Peru

The first to achieve popularity were Fiorella and Bárbara Cayo, the best-known sisters on Peruvian television in the 90s. Key members of the Iguana Producciones soap opera “Torbellino”, sought to represent the youth of that time. Likewise, in 1999 they launched a brief but significant career as singers. Both are linked to the Dance Studio company, a school focused on performing arts and dance.

Stephanie Cayo, Fiorella and Bárbara’s younger sister, went even further. After a few small roles on the Peruvian screen, she made a career abroad and appeared in productions in Latin America and the United States. She has worked with Mel Gibson, Tony Dalton, Andrés Parra, among others. She also starred in the first Peruvian film made exclusively for Netflix: “Until we meet again.”

Nor can we forget Macs Cayo, brother of Fiorella, Bárbara and Stephanie. Athlete, ex-participant of “Combate” and “Esto es guerra”, Macs is also an actor. He runs Dance Studio’s performing arts program with Stephanie.

Impossible not to mention Facundo Oliva, son of Fiorella Cayo. The young man is a singer and in the first days of this 2023 he presented a new version of what is perhaps the most emblematic song released by his mother and aunt, “If you came for me.” As if to make it clear that the legacy continues.

the new star

After that lineage of international singers and actresses, now a beauty queen closes the circle of fame.

Alessia Rovegno is the daughter of Bárbara Cayo and the businessman Luis Rovegno (in charge of the bakery of the same name). Alessia worked as a runway model in New York, and launched as a singer with her sister, Arianna. In 2022 she was selected to represent Peru in the Miss Universe gala, which takes place in New Orleans (Louisiana, United States).

Where to see the gala?

It can be followed exclusively on the OnDirecTV channel and the DGO streaming platform, tomorrow from 8 pm In addition, it can be followed on the ‘Miss Universe’ Youtube channel.

Source: Elcomercio

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