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Milena Warthon: How much is the prize you receive for your victory in Viña 2023?

After being crowned the winner of the folkloric competition of the Vina del Mar Festival with his song “Warmisitay”, Milena Warthon was awarded the prize that receives the first place in the event. In addition to the precious Gaviota de Plata, the Peruvian will receive US$28,000.

The mayor of the city of Viña del MarMacarena Ripamonti, was in charge of awarding the Peruvian artist the Gaviota de Plata, the festival’s characteristic award, after the results of the professional jury and the public’s online voting in the finals of each category were revealed.

The Peruvian took the silver Seagull receiving a score of 6.4, leaving Chile in second place with 6.0 points and Mexico in third with 5.7.

For his part, Fran Di, representative of Mexico, received the award for Best Interpreter of the competition. Both winners embraced at the end and received applause from the public.

“I arrived in Chile knowing that my song had a nice message, that I was competing with the right song,” said Milena after her triumph.

This Friday, February 24, Milena will return to the Quinta Vergara stage to perform for the fourth time the song that made her the winner of the Chilean event.

Hours before Milena’s triumph

The Peruvian artist gave two presentations that were applauded by those attending the Quinta Vergara amphitheater. Thanks to the score obtained by the vote of the jury and the public, the Peruvian has managed to advance to the grand final of her category, which took place on Thursday, February 23. Next, she relives the second show she performed last Wednesday night.

Complete folkloric competition via Festival de Viña:

What was the score of the second presentation of Milena Warthon in Viña 2023?

After his presentation of “Warmisitay” on the stage of Quinta Vergara, the jury gave him its verdict. This is the score that Milena Warthon received from each of the members:

  • Gonzalo Valenzuela: 7 points
  • Polyma Westcoast: 6 points
  • Eduardo Fuentes: Incognito
  • Nicky Nicole: 6 points
  • Jose Luis Repenning: Incognito
  • Emily: Incognito
  • Daniel Fuenzalida: 7 points
  • Juanita Parra: 6 points

Meanwhile, through your vote for the Claro Viña 2023 app, the public awarded him 6.5 points for his interpretation of “Warmisitay” in the Quinta Vergara amphitheatre. By averaging, Peruvian artist Milena Warthon scored 6.4 points for this submission (partial average).

What did Milena Warthon say about “Warmisitay”?

Days before traveling to Chile, Milena Warthon spoke with El Comercio’s Skip Intro and confessed that “Warmisitay”, released in 2022, is a very real song that touches on a very important background that is the issue of identity.

“There is a society that continues, perhaps, falling into issues of discrimination, racism; So, this song reaches children and youth in a very fresh way, very easy to understand. Although, in the end it has a super important message and that ends up being my self-empowerment “he added.

Read our full interview with the singer-songwriter at this link.

  (Credit: FI.VER)

Who went to the final of Viña del Mar 2023?

The Peruvian Milena Warthon went to the grand final of the folklore competition with his song “Warmisitay”. The national singer-songwriter will have to face Laia with “Camino” (Chile) and Fraki D with “La última gota” (Mexico) for the long-awaited Gaviota de Plata.

Meanwhile, the participants who did not make it to the final of the folkloric competition were:

  • Camilú with the song “De a poquito” (Argentina)
  • Los Rabanes with “La Patineta” (Panama)
  • Bazurto All Stars with “La Manguera” (Colombia)

In relation to the international competition, the artists who made it to the grand finale were Yorka (Chile), Zelaya (Guatemala) and Eli Blancarte (Mexico). While Tres Dedos (Ecuador), Teo (Colombia) and Mila Manes (Argentina) returned home without having the opportunity to compete for the Gaviota.

Where to watch Viña del Mar 2023 streaming?

The Quinta Vergara show can be seen through the Star+ streaming service during the six days that the prestigious music festival lasts. It should be noted that, to access the content, you must be a subscriber to the service.

The cost of the basic plan to access Star+ has a value of 44.90 soles per month and you have access to premieres of movies, series and sporting events from ESPN.

“In line with our main objective of offering the public the most relevant content in all our entertainment proposals, we are proud to announce that the prestigious Viña del Mar festival will be part of the offer of our Star+ streaming service, through the proposal of Star+ Live Music that increasingly adds more content of this type”stated Natalia Scalia, Senior Vice President of Direct-to-Consumer, The Walt Disney Company Latin America.

international competition and Folk Competition They are part of the show Vina del Mar Festivaland they take place after the comedian’s turn, in the intermission between the two famous artists invited each night, who open and close each day.

Each category has the participation of six countries. This year they have been: Mexico, Chile, Guatemala, Argentina, Colombia and Ecuador in the international competition; and Chile, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Panama and Colombia in the folkloric.

In the beginnings of Vina del Mar FestivalSix decades ago, the international and folkloric competitions were the heart of the festival, but over the years, guest artists have taken center stage at the event, often being big names on the world music scene.

He Vina del Mar Festival 2023 It began last Sunday, February 19, with the performance of the Colombian Karol G, and will end this Friday, in a gala that will last at dawn on Saturday, with the Argentine Nicki Nicole as in charge of putting the tie to six days of music.


Source: Elcomercio

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