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“Drive me crazy”: the play that is put on at the Claretian Seminary of Magdalena

“Drive me crazy”: the play that is put on at the Claretian Seminary of Magdalena

“Drive me crazy”: the play that is put on at the Claretian Seminary of Magdalena

“Loquéceme” is a story about love, ethics and power relations. The work of theater -which can be seen today in the auditorium of the Claretian Seminary of Magdalena- shows a college student and how she falls in love with her music teacher, a situation that will trigger several problems

The cast of the play is made up of Camila Guevara, Beto Cerquera, Milagros Castillo, Sheyla Ruíz, Pamela Manzo, Álvaro Cáceda, Erika Villaizán, Iva Novoa, Marcelo Campos, Marita Quiroz and Eliana Vásquez. While Miguel Ángel León is the playwright and director. They are joined by the live group Los Choches Band.

“The work poses several problems. Alejandro Gallardo arrives at a boarding school to replace another teacher, and one of the most rebellious students, Mariana Sandoval, falls in love with him. The conflict involves recognizing that the situation is not correct, ethical and moral issues, because she is 16 and he is 28 years old, and he is an authority”, explains Beto Cerquera, the protagonist with Camila Guevara.

The situation will get out of control when the adolescent’s friends find out and the situation spreads to the rest of the teachers.


More information

In: Auditorium of the Claretian Seminary

Address: Jr. 28 de Julio, block 5, S/N, Magdalena

Only date: today, 4:45 pm

Tickets: ticket office.

Source: Elcomercio

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