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Heartfelt goodbye to Peruvian musician Joni Chiape

The experienced keyboardist and arranger Joni Chiape, member of the emblematic Peruvian tribute band to The Beatles, “A day in the life”, passed away today due to a sudden illness. With the presence of his family and musician friends, his remains are veiled at his house in Pachacamac and will be cremated tomorrow.

Joni Chiape collaborated with important national rock bands since the late 80s. He was a member of the well-remembered band JAS and for more than a decade he was a member of the group Smokenext to the disappeared Gerardo Manuel. He was also a founder of Smokin Pipe Band, group to which he belonged in recent times. As a music producer and composer, he collaborated on many Peruvian rock albums and composed music for documentaries and films, such as “La Luz en el Cerro”.

Since 2004, Joni has joined “One day in the Life”, a group in which he was in charge of keyboards, synthesizers and effects. Edmundo Delgado (Grupo Amigos), Tavo Castillo (Frágil), Carlos Guerrero (We All Together), Renzo Dalí, Carlo André Oliden, Jeremy Castillo and Alejandro Iturrizaga, regret his early departure.

“Darling joni, you always gave a very special stamp to the show and yet you never had great poses. Today that you have just left this material world and we are left with the penalty of not giving you one more hug like so many that we gave each other. We feel great admiration for the extraordinary human being that you always were”reads a sense post, published on the official Facebook of One day in the Lifesigned on behalf of the group by its director Edmund Delgado.

“What will the world be like where you are now? We hope it is up to you. While from here all the members (of the band) thank you for letting us have you and enjoy your art “says Delgado by way of farewell.

Source: Elcomercio

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